Why play piano?

Linda McCurry

Steve Wilson photo

If you need a way to relax, Linda McCurry of Midtown Kansas City has a suggestion: Take piano lessons.

The retired database administrator took lessons for about a year when she was in third grade. "It was not fun, and my parents let me quit," she recalled.

"As an adult learner, I certainly am more motivated to practice than I was in the third grade. I like the challenge of learning something new. An added benefit is that I find the piano a great tool to unwind, even when just playing scales."

Another good reason: Controlling for gender, education, and physical activity, playing a musical instrument was significantly associated with less likelihood of dementia and cognitive impairment, according to the National Library of Medicine report.

Interested? Linda recommends Dawson Jones, her piano teacher.

Linda and a neighbor went to the Upcycle happy hour in August 2023. "We joked about which pianos we liked and should take home. This led to me meeting Steve (Wilson, Upcycle manager), who shared with me the many ways in which I could enjoy a piano of my own. I playfully considered what it might be like to learn another instrument, and with recommendations from Steve, I chose a teacher. I started taking lessons every other week in December of 2023."


August at Upcycle Happy Hour


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